Under 14 7-a-side Festival Thursday 18th April 2024

Thank you to all of the teachers, coaches, umpires and also to Cheltenham Ladies College for kindly hosting a great day of hockey. Congratulations to all of the school children that took part - there was some really good hockey being played and we hope that they learnt a great deal as the day progressed.
Here is the final results sheet for your information. We really hope to run this tournament again and I would really like your feedback to help with planning so if you could come back to me with answers to the following questions that would be great:
1. Are you happy with a mixed tournament if numbers permit?
2. Normally we run girls tournaments in the autumn term and boys in the spring term - when would you ideally like to see this format tournament run?
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Kind regards,
Lisa Lundie
Gloucestershire Hockey Association